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Selasa, 06 September 2011

Tips foto orang yang pakai kacamata

Tips foto orang yang pakai kacamata

by Enche
Membuat foto orang yang memakai kacamata biasanya mengalami kendala apabila kita mengunakan lampu kilat. Hal ini disebabkan karena cahaya lampu kilat dari depan memantul balik ke kamera. Untuk mencegahnya bacalah tips dibawah ini:
  1. Lepaskan kacamatanya.
  2. Cara lain yaitu melepas lensa dari kacamata (bila Anda memiliki alat dan mengetahui caranya).
  3. Atur pose supaya jangan menghadap sumber cahaya (lampu kilat) secara langsung, tapi lebih menyerong ke kanan atau ke kiri, sehingga pantulannya tidak balik ke lensa tau ke samping.
  4. Geser kacamatanya sehingga mengarah sedikit kebawah, sehingga cahaya dari lampu kilat tidak dipantulkan balik ke lensa tapi ke bawah lensa.
  5. Hindari menembakkan lampu kilat secara langsung, coba memakai teknik bounce (ke langit-langit)
  6. Bila memakai lampu kilat “off camera” (dilepas dari kameranya), maka sebaiknya lampu kilatnya ditempatkan setinggi mungkin sehingga pantulan cahaya ke kacamata terpantul ke bawah tidak lurus ke lensa.
Semoga berhasil!

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By Me...About Me ^________^^^^

  • I'm mostly here to post my art and keep in touch with people (and people kept pushing me to get one YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE). Basically I'm the peace keeper in the group, the negotiator, the calm one who listens to people's problems (cheaper than therapy, I can assure you). So talk to me ^__^ I also got a strong sense of justice. I believe in doing good for the sake of goodwill, the idea of people as ends-in-themselves rather than as means-to-an-end. (Philosophy class killed any chance of making life any simpler lol) We all have different perspectives and opinions; I respect that. But there's a difference between respectful disagreement and outright insults. There's a clear line between both that I am unwilling to step over. I like to laugh,especially with friends.
  • ╔══╗ ♥ ♫ ♥ ║██║ ♫ ♥ ♫ ║(O)║♥ rere♥ ╚══╝ ....u beLong with me..... █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ Min- - - - - - - - - - - -●Max ► Play. ▌▌Pause. ■ Stop be ur self,no body perfect

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All About my Town Slideshow: Andi’s trip to Tarakan, Borneo, Indonesia was created by TripAdvisor. See another Tarakan slideshow. Create your own stunning slideshow with our free photo slideshow maker.
All About my Town Slideshow: Andi’s trip to Tarakan, Borneo, Indonesia was created by TripAdvisor. See another Tarakan slideshow. Create your own stunning slideshow with our free photo slideshow maker.

my family

My Family Slideshow: Andi’s trip from Tarakan, Borneo, Indonesia to 5 cities Germany, Thailand, Swiss Alps, Yogyakarta and Balikpapan was created by TripAdvisor. See another Germany slideshow. Create a free slideshow with music from your travel photos.

Si DodoL zengkol :p